

As a result of company’s R&D, the exploitation of its results is more than a necessity. It is our contribution to a safer and better industry.

Our team of experts, driven by the industry problems & demands, implementing their knowledge & our facilities, are capable to provide solutions & design tailor-made process to a very wide industrial spectrum and needs.

Technology Upscaling Pilot Plant

Recently, has been completed the construction of the “Technology Upscaling Pilot Plant-TUPP ” , where products developed by the R&D Department are tested & evaluated under “real conditions” while their production processes are up scaled from lab to pre-industrial scale.

Following the most strict & advanced industrial standards, under a fully automated monitoring processes, the “TUPP” has been designed in such technical flexibility that is capable to upscale a wide range of technologies.

The modular design we managed to develop in our “TUPP”, is unique in the EU, allowing us with some minor modifications to its design and to the production line to bring up various technologies from TRL 3-4 up to TRL 6-8.

Having the great advantage of TUPP, we are able NOT only to design new custom processes focused on client’s demands, but also to test, operate, evaluate and optimize them, WITHOUT interrupting or interfering at the actual process.

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